Residential, And Lifestyle Property
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New real estate business enters market

New real estate business enters market

New real estate business enters market

SOUTHLANDERS Doug and Natalie Bath are filling a gap in the real estate market with their new business.

The pair made the decision to start up their own independent business Real Estate South Ltd eight weeks ago and were excited about the endeavour.

‘‘We know it is a bold move, but we feel we can do it with confidence.

‘‘Walking into people’s homes and being given the opportunity and responsibility to represent people’s biggest asset in their lives is a big deal,’’ Mr Bath said.

Alongside Mr Bath’s 10 years of real estate experience and his wife's 13 years of legal, trustee and banking knowledge, they felt they had enough experience to get the business up and running.

They also had qualified staff members on board who dealt with the admin, compliance and regulation aspects.

‘‘We have great support from our professional office team, and they are extremely detail-focused with all of our compliance and regulations which we follow.’’

They hoped to provide aprogressive and modern model of service which would make it easier for Southlanders to buy or sell their residential and lifestyle properties.

By working remotely from their home, they believed it was a benefit as it meant they could operate from any place, at any time, including the weekends, Mr Bath said.

‘‘We feel that we can really fit in to people’s lives instead of the other way around, and I think that is more of what people are needing nowadays.

‘‘By branching out on our own we feel we can service people in a far more timely manner, and in a professional way which gives clients the assistance and professionalism they are needing.’’

Since opening the business the duo had listed 10 houses, sold two homes and had two under offer.

They were ‘‘blown away’’ by the response they had received from the community, Mrs Bath said.

‘‘I think people are happy to have an alternative option, and we are very thankful and fortunate for the local support and different networks which have backed us, especially our families.’’

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